GUANGZHOU LIGHT HOLDINGS LIMITED, established in 1956, has been standing by the prosperous & beautiful Pearl River for over half century. As one of the earliest professional Import & Export Companies in China, GZLI has become an International Business Group Company which combined with Import & Export Business, Domestic Business, Warehousing & Logistics. Also, GZLI is one of the Advanced Companies for high quality and effectiveness in Chinese International Business, one of the best 500 Import & Export Companies in China, one of the best 100 Import & Export Companies in Guangdong.Dough Cutting Machine
The sdom atla dough cuting machine is applosl le br macss preduclen df
lo aslt, bre at, bun and paatry.
The daugh ropa iaudoma l cally oonwayed ib the doughauting mich ine from
ho daugh lmminng machine.
Cn aortrdi sppslanghaizm and round daugh wilght to m daugh fa ring
Thihs daugh handing aquipmant abo haturaa an automutc dusfing systom hs
making opendcasafar.
all owa thei dusting amout io be sst, thassty naducing bit ar intan sity and
Technical parameters
Wulght 120Kg..................................................