The temportors difereman is plus or minus one degree, 360 depree hot air droulation,
laing susaH mtarial plato
Microcomputer capacitive scven, mutti-tsuch conie al modk, mune sre tive and procse
and wasy to dra
The inner chambor is al strotched and formad by molds, no dead cormors, no gartago.
Inutation enodt
Threa-layar glass door dedyn, man mwpy saning and haat preerwation, better hsat
500 toquaidly used meus can be stored, sasy to call, and can be modinied and edted at
The dlectric haoting tube adopis the Swodish brand, with high emidency and tast heating.
Dult, in baler, which can produca powarful stram to ercan tee cocking
lt cm be cgtpad with a waftur grdemer to crsure clhaan water source and prevnt water
Automatic dehumidnication, fordbly ohaust the sthem pya ahed during the reasting
imaligunt caling, no med to opon the doar to awald steam burrs
Mast neads mode, contrallalite and able ts detect tha internal tamporstuns af tsad
.The ae modes of autamatic deaning aight, maderate, and sewrey, sak and cmwrknt
Nemate manepemont, real-tme montoring, capable of uploading and issuing merus,
datn wowing and other fuctiom
casily woltre|eriouss cooking mathods such sshyting, reesting, braising, stewing and
Ona machine with muttiple tunctlos, 3 modes of doaming, reasling and sheaming.
thesme tme
mriety of dishes can be coaked at the ssame time to most the dermand fo mutiple dshe t
Layerad cocking, the caoking time of each layur can be cntrotied separbidty, and a..............